News update for landlords
Some of our clients have been concerned about guidelines coming in where Buildings have to reach a minimum C Rating by 2025. Below is a statement from Elmhurst on the Prime Ministers speech this week, which shows those dates are still under consultation and will likely be delayed. Changes to Landlord Requirements ‘The Prime Minister … Continue reading “News update for landlords”

Commercial building achieves EPC ‘A’ rating!
EPC A – exceptional rating for commercial building Clients often ask us how to achieve better energy efficiency in commercial properties. Last month, we completed a commercial EPC on a 1981 building in Croydon which achieved an A rating after previously being rated D. This was a real eye-opener as this is the first time … Continue reading “Commercial building achieves EPC ‘A’ rating!”

Retrofitting Non-Domestic Buildings for Improved Energy Efficiency
Writing for Energy Matters, Josh Wakeling, Head of Operations at Elmshurst Energy has produced an excellent article on PAS 2038 and retrofitting non-domestic buildings for improved energy efficiency. The article is reproduced below. ‘As those of you involved in the industry will already be aware, the BSI published the domestic retrofit specifications PAS 2035 in … Continue reading “Retrofitting Non-Domestic Buildings for Improved Energy Efficiency”

Improving your building’s energy efficiency offers more than reduced bills
2021 is a vital year for climate action. With COP26 happening in the next few weeks, we thought we would explain how changing your lights to LEDs is not just a good investment for your property but also a way that your business can do something to help mitigate climate change. Energy Efficiency The biggest … Continue reading “Improving your building’s energy efficiency offers more than reduced bills”

EPC for non-domestic properties – all you need to know
What is an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)? An EPC for a non-domestic property will show the energy performance of the building, and its grade between A+ to G (A+ being the most efficient). Properties are assessed on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) likely to be emitted, from under 0 (which is net-zero) to over … Continue reading “EPC for non-domestic properties – all you need to know”

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)
Check your leases for Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) Most of us are now familiar with the minimum energy efficiency standards (MEES) which came into effect in April 2018 and stated that new tenancy agreements and renewals must have an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of E or above. In April 2023, the standards will … Continue reading “Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)”

New Look EPC register and Energy Certificates
The Government has launched a new EPC register and Energy Certificates. Today, the Government is launching a new Central EPC Register for the Energy Performance of Buildings for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This will make a difference to how Energy Assessors work, and will also affect estate agents, solicitors, building control bodies and other … Continue reading “New Look EPC register and Energy Certificates”

What is a Commercial EPC?
A Commercial Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is an energy survey that defines the energy efficiency of a building or commercial premises. The ratings for a commercial EPC start at G, the least energy-efficient evaluation, and go up to A, for a building which is the most efficient. Across the country, there is a wide range … Continue reading “What is a Commercial EPC?”

How we produce Commercial EPCs
Firstly, there are three types of Commercial (Non-Domestic) EPCs for three different building levels. EPC for level 3 building A level 3 EPC is a simple property with basic heating or air conditioning. This would typically be your High Street shop with domestic use above or Office or Warehouse. EPC for level 4 building A … Continue reading “How we produce Commercial EPCs”

How to improve an EPC rating of ‘F’ or ‘G’.
If, when we have assessed a building, the EPC rating is only an ‘F’ or ‘G’, the building becomes unlawful to let. This rating is bad news to a Landlord as it means there will be no income until the building has been improved. Equally, if the building’s Freehold was being Sold, then the buyer … Continue reading “How to improve an EPC rating of ‘F’ or ‘G’.”